Toro Candil

Toro Candil
“Children ran away screaming as the flames persecuted anyone in their sight.”
I - San Juan Ara When using defensive skills, inflict [x] Burn. If the skill was an evade, inflict [x] count by amount of times used. |
Story Log
Log Type: LC Styled
An abnormality made out of wires, cloth, and a cow’s skull. It lays dormant in its containment unit, surrounded by coal and soot.
[O-02-25-24] chases down agents once it breaches. Doors do not seem to be effective at stopping it and common methods of suppression only make it angrier and more volatile. The agents afflicted by its attack sustained third degree burns and/or gored by its horns.
[Interview of Agent ■■■]
Agent ■■■: That old thing? Yeah in my village we had something similar, but it wasn’t a real monster like this one, just a guy playing with us.
Agent ■■■: We had a festival of fire essentially, good food and dangerous games and one of them was this bull’s chase type of game. Children ran away screaming as the flames persecuted anyone in their sight. It was a blast, I really miss that place.
Agent ■■■: Once I saw it running my way I guess I remembered my childhood and just… ran away from it, laughing and screaming.